Steel Bite Pro is a natural teeth and gum support supplement that uses powerful ingredients to combat the dreadful dental health issues of gingivitis, periodontitis and weak oral hygiene upkeep, but are there negative side effects and customer complaints to know about first or is this formula worth the money?

Steel Bite Pro Review: Negative Side Effects or Real Results
Steel Bite Pro Review: Negative Side Effects or Real Results

Steel Bite Pro is a nutritional supplement that claims to strengthen your gums and teeth.

The makers of Steel Bite Pro formulated the supplement as a way to stop tooth decay, bad breath, and even gum disease. They claim their formula could be superior to implants, surgery, and other invasive treatments for managing dental health.

Like the website for it explains, achieving truly superb dental hygiene “takes a lifetime of care.” Even if you brush daily, eating the wrong things can quickly erode your teeth and destroy your hopes of a perfect smile. And even the right diet can be ruined with just a few days of neglecting to brush and floss regularly. The best treatment for bad dental hygiene is preventative, not restorative. If you want to improve your dental health, try avoiding sugary foods, drinking plenty of water, eating fruits and vegetables, and taking a healthy dose of vitamins.

The first three pieces of advice are things that you can do all on your own. But when it comes to finding the right vitamins to take, supplementation is a great outside strategy to help you strengthen your teeth and improve your overall health. After all, bad health in the mouth can create a long list of serious health conditions. People who have dental health issues, for example, can develop heart disease, infections, and even deadly illnesses. it is filled with vitamins and minerals that have been shown by some scientific research to help improve dental health in a variety of different ways.

Berberine, Yarrow, Zinc, Alfalfa, Artichoke, Chanca Piedra, and several other natural ingredients make up this formula, which is being marketed by companies all over the country. A single bottle of the supplement will run users about $69, making it a pretty hefty investment for some consumers operating on a tight oral hygiene budget, although there are great discounts involved when buying more than one month supply which we highly encourage. This price is actually pretty common among similar formulas, however, so we aren’t too worried about that cause. Our primary interest is in examining the ingredients, the supporting research, and the core benefits supporting it.

Because the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) latest report estimates over one in four Americans are experiencing dental-related health issues like tooth decay or gum disease, this is a growing safety concern that is attacking whole body wellness quite literally from head to toe. Add to the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) latest findings reveal that well over 2 billion people have subpar oral hygiene and cavities, it is no wonder natural teeth and gum support supplementation is on the rise in 2021. This is also not to mention how The Department of Adult Oral Health is finding that almost one in every two individuals over the age of thirty have gone through the dreadful issues of gingivitis, periodontitis, oral cancer, and even broken teeth. If you are struggling with dental health and looking to try a supplement like Steel Bite Pro, this review will cover all of the basics as well as the advanced scientific revelations unearthed so far. Don’t take another step toward the checkout page before reading our comprehensive product review today. We’ll teach readers everything they need to know about the facts of it.

Let’s explore whether or not Steel Bite Pro really works? Or is it

yet another dental health supplement scam? Find out everything you need to know about this supplement today in our review.

What is Steel Bite Pro?

Steel Bite Pro is a dental health supplement sold exclusively online through The supplement uses natural ingredients to rebuild teeth and eliminate tooth decay.

Just take two capsules of it daily, then let the natural ingredients get to work. The makers of this product claim their formula uses ingredients that cause your saliva to have antibiotic effects. When your saliva has antibiotic effects, it kills bacteria circulating around your mouth. That’s how it claims to stop tooth decay and other serious oral health issues.

it is priced at $70 per bottle. You can only buy the supplement through The supplement was made by a man named Thomas Spear, a chemistry teacher who treated his own serious dental health problem using the ingredients in it.

How Does Steel Bite Pro Work?

Thomas Spear advertises his formula as a “60 seconds dental trick” that will “rebuild your teeth and gums and get rid of tooth decay,” among other benefits.

Just take two capsules of it daily, then enjoy powerful relief from serious dental health issues.

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria chipping away at your teeth’ natural defenses. When left untreated over time, tooth decay will continue to worsen. Typically, you need dental surgery or implants to avoid serious health complications. If the bacteria in your teeth reach your bloodstream, you could develop the disease in other parts of your body. Doctors will remove the infected, decaying, or broken tooth, then add an implant.

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The makers of Steel Bite Proclaim you don’t need implants to get rid of tooth decay. Instead, the official website explains that it is “better than implants” for rebuilding teeth and gums while eliminating tooth decay.

To achieve these benefits, it’s uses natural ingredients that force your saliva to adopt antibiotic characteristics. Steel Bite contains a blend of herbal extracts that have antioxidant, antibacterial, and antibiotic capabilities. By ingesting these herbal extracts daily, you can purportedly give your saliva the power to eliminate tooth decay.

What to Expect When Taking Steel Bite Pro

Steel Bite Pro claims to provide significant support for teeth and gum health, oral health, and overall dental health.

Customers cited on the official website claim to have solved cavities, bleeding gums, loose teeth, and other serious oral health issues after taking it.

One man cited on the official Steel Bite Pro supplement page claims he was desperate for a cure for his oral health issue. His gums were red, swollen, and receding, which are all the assigns of a serious problem. His teeth were loose in his gums, and his doctors recommended immediate treatment. That man fixed all of these problems with it, claiming his “gums have grown back” after using Steel Bite Pro. That man claims he is “never going back to the doctor again” after using it.

Another woman claims her gums are clean and healthy with “no more loose teeth” after taking it. That woman used to notice her teeth moving when she brushed. After taking it daily, she claims her teeth feel strong.

Steel Bite Pro- also claims to help with cavities, according to one customer testimonial on the official website. That man claims he “got rid of cavities” and general bleeding gum issues after using it.

Clearly, the makers of Steel Bite Pro- believe in the power of their formula. Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients inside Steel Bite to see how they work.

What Does Steel Bite Pro Do?

To understand how Steel Bite Pro works, it helps to understand the ingredients in Steel Bite and how they work. Thomas Spear claims he chose each individual ingredient in Steel Bite based on his extensive dental research. That research led him to choose ingredients that eliminate plaque and tartar, tightened loose gums, and solved other serious dental health problems.

Here are how the ingredients in Steel Bite Pro work, according to Thomas Spear and the official Steel Bite Pro website:

Berberine and Milk Thistle Break Existing Plaque and Tartar: Plaque and tartar loosen your gums. They also weaken the appearance of your teeth, eroding their natural protection. Thomas claims that the berberine and milk thistle extract in his formula will break the existing plaque and tartar. This plaque and tartar have been creating a comfortable environment for the bad bacteria in your mouth. Steel Bite makes that environment uncomfortable.

Artichoke Extract Locates and Destroys Bacterial Colonies: Some studies have shown that artichoke extract has antioxidant or antibacterial effects, which is why it has been seen in some traditional medicines for centuries. Thomas claims that the artichoke extract in Steel Bite will locate and destroy bacteria colonies in your mouth. To do that, artichoke extract fills your saliva with substances that fight bleeding and inflammation, effectively drowning the bacteria in a mix that they cannot survive.

Yarrow Tightens Gums, Heals Wounds, and Cement Teeth Roots: Even if you eliminate plaque and tartar, you could still have loose gums. Steel Bite Pro claims to solve loose gums and teeth by healing wounds and cementing teeth roots using yarrow. Yarrow is an herbal extract traditionally used to induce sweating and stop wound bleeding. Some cultures traditionally used yarrow tea for menstrual bleeding. The yarrow in Steel Bite can purportedly prevent your teeth from moving around, according to Thomas Spear’s research.

Dandelion, Alfalfa, and Zinc Strengthen Dental Crown: Human teeth are made from four diffegive tissues, nerves, and blood vessels that nourish the tooth. Thomas claims that the dandelion, alfalfa, and zinc in his formula will strengthen the crowns of your teeth, making it harder for cavities to form. Typically, dentists will install artificial crowns to protect the pulp of your teeth. Steel Bite Pro, however, claims to provide similar benefits without artificial crowns.

Chicory Root and Celery Seed Purify & Detoxify Your Gut: Steel Bite claims to purify and detoxify your gut. Typically, we don’t associate gut health with dental health. However, Thomas claims your gut bacteria play a crucial role in dental health. Your gut supports immunity, and good gut health is crucial for good immune function. The chicory root and celery seed in Steel Bite Pro can purify and detoxify your gut.

Ginger and Grape Seed Extract Create an Impenetrable Shield: To finalize his formula, Thomas added grape seed extract and ginger. Thomas claims these two ingredients “form an impenetrable shield” for your teeth and gums. This shield protects your teeth and gums from future bacteria, food debris, and other issues. In fact, Thomas insists his formula will make your teeth and gums “virtually indestructible.”

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Overall, Steel Bite Pro contains a blend of herbal extracts, plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients linked to various aspects of health and wellness. By taking these ingredients daily, you can purportedly enjoy powerful oral health benefits, according to Thomas Spear and his team.

Steel Bite Pro Ingredients

Steel Bite- Pro contains over a dozen ingredients. Thomas discloses the dosage of some ingredients upfront, while others are hidden within a proprietary formula.

The full list of ingredients in Steel Bite Pro includes:

  • 30mg of zinc (273% DV)
  • 200mg of milk thistle
  • 50mg of beet root
  • 50mg of artichoke leaves
  • 50mg of dandelion root
  • 50mg of chicory root
  • 50mg of yarrow
  • 50mg of jujube seed
  • 586mg of a proprietary blend containing celery seed, alfalfa, burdock, yellow dock, methionine, grape seed, L-cystine, feverfew, N-acetyl cystine, turmeric, red raspberry, berberine, and ginger

Other ingredients including cellulose (to create the vegetable capsule) and rice flour, choline, magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide (that are said to be free of fillers, binders, and preservatives).

One side note is that the label has several unusual errors. There’s no such thing as “L-cystine” or “N-acetyl cysteine,” for example; instead, these ingredients should be labeled as L-cysteine and N-acetyl cysteine. Any health researcher would know this, as these are common ingredients. Steel Bite Pro also claims to contain “silicone dioxide” instead of silicon dioxide. Silicon dioxide is a preservative, while silicon dioxide is not a real substance. Again, this is something a genuine health researcher should know. It is likely this is already been updated but is not reflected on the official Steel Bite Pro website. Minor labeling issues aside, Steel Bite Pro contains a blend of herbal and plant extracts that claim to support dental health in multiple surprising ways. Below, we’ll break down the science behind Steel Bite Pro and how it works.

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Scientific Evidence for Steel Bite Pro

Thomas claims his formula has helped “more than 57,000 people” eliminate gum disease, strengthen gums, and solve loose teeth problems, among other benefits. That’s a significant number of people for any supplement to help. Unfortunately, Thomas does not cite any proof of this number. Steel Bite Pro has not completed clinical trials, nor has it been approved by dentists or doctors for gum disease although this is very normal for the natural supplement industry. Thomas’s research would be a huge medical breakthrough, but he has decided not to publish his research in any peer-reviewed journal.

Although Steel Bite Pro has not been studied, individual ingredients in the formula have been studied. Thomas has a small references page verifying his work.

One of the biggest ingredients in Steel Bite Pro is milk thistle. There’s limited evidence milk thistle helps with teeth health, gum health, or other oral health issues. In fact, searching online for “milk thistle + teeth” or “milk thistle + gums” returns results for Steel Bite Pro – not peer-reviewed scientific research. As WebMD explainsmilk thistle extract (also known as silymarin) is a flowering herb related to the daisy. It was traditionally used for liver and gallbladder issues, but it was not traditionally used for tooth or gum health.

Your body needs zinc for overall health and wellness. Steel Bite Pro has nearly three times your daily recommended dose of zinc, which is considered a strong dose (most multivitamins contain 100% of your daily value). The zinc in Steel Bite Pro can purportedly support oral health in various ways. Studies have shown that your body needs zinc for crucial processes throughout your body – including oral health.

Yarrow is one of the most promising ingredients in Steel Bite Pro because it has been used for centuries for wound healing. Some people drink yarrow tea for menstrual bleeding, for example. Thomas claims the yarrow in his formula could help with gum and teeth bleeding. He claims the fibroblasts in the yarrow “tighten your loose gums.” This is not quite true. Your body makes fibroblasts on its own. However, one study found that yarrow could indirectly support your body’s production of fibroblasts, which could support bone and teeth health.

Most of the ingredients in Steel Bite Proclaim work because they’re rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants target inflammation and oxidation throughout your body – including in your gums and teeth. That’s why Tomas added grape skin powder, turmeric, and other ingredients to Steel Bite Pro. These are good ingredients, but Steel Bite Pro contains weak dosages of most of these antioxidants. A typical turmeric supplement contains 500mg to 1,500mg of turmeric per serving, for example, while Steel Bite Pro contains a fraction of that dose.

Some ingredients in Steel Bite Pro have been specifically linked to gum health. In this 2010 study, for example, researchers gave grape skin powder to rats to assess its ability to heal gums. Researchers found that a dose of 100mg/kg of grape skin powder (much higher than the dose in Steel Bite Pro) was associated with wound healing. Rats healed their gums using grape skin powder.

Overall, Steel Bite Pro contains some ingredients that can support gum and teeth health from an inside-out approach. However, there’s no direct evidence that Steel Bite Pro can reverse gum disease, eliminate tooth decay, strengthen your gums, or stop gum bleeding in any significant way – but it only takes a little bit of common sense to know that supplying the body with the right optimal environment can lead to massive health benefits in due time.

The Story Behind Steel Bite Pro

Steel Bite Pro was created by a man named Thomas Spear. Thomas claims he developed Steel Bite Pro to solve his own serious dental health problem. Motivated by his successful treatment with the formula, Thomas decided to sell the formula to the world in the form of Steel Bite.

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Thomas Spear is a 52-year old chemistry teacher from the Bay Area of California. He does not claim to be a dentist, a doctor, or another medical professional: he’s a chemistry teacher.

Thomas’s oral health issues became so serious that he nearly choked to death on a tooth. Thomas had been feeling his teeth loosen for years. One night, while sleeping, Thomas’s tooth finally broke free of his gums and landed in the back of his throat. He nearly choked to death.

Thomas knew he needed help, but he hated dentists. Instead of visiting a dentist for his missing tooth and weak gums, Thomas decided to self-medicate by creating his own unique formula.

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Thomas researched natural cures for dental health issues, herbal remedies for strengthening gums and teeth, and other traditional solutions for gum and teeth problems. After testing these ingredients and dosages, Thomas tested the formula on himself.

To make a long story short, Thomas partnered with a supplement company to sell Steel Bite online. Today, Thomas claims anyone can enjoy similar success just by taking two capsules of Steel Bite daily.

Steel Bite Pro Pricing

Steel Bite- Pro is priced at $69 per bottle and is exclusively available to order through

Here’s how pricing breaks down:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + Free US Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 + Free US Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 + Free US Shipping

Each bottle contains 60 capsules or a 30-day supply. You take two capsules of Steel Bite- Pro daily for gum and dental health.

Refund Policy

Thomas Spear backs up his formula with a 60-day refund policy. You can request a complete refund on Steel Bite- Pro within 60 days with no questions asked.

If you did not experience significant support for gum and tooth health after taking Steel Bite- Pro, or if you are unhappy with the results for any reason, then you are entitled to a refund.

Who Created it?

Steel Bite- Pro was created by a man named Thomas Spear, a chemistry teacher from the Bay Area of San Francisco. Thomas partnered with a supplement company named BuyGoods to market his formula online.

Steel Bite- Pro is said to be made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. While there is limited information about that facility, its lab testing, or medical standards, among other information, they have been around for a long enough time to ensure that this is properly manufactured and tested as per their detailed FAQ.

You can contact the makers of Steel Bite- Pro via the following:

Email Form:

Phone: 302-404-2568

Final Word

Steel Bite Pro is a dental health supplement sold online through

By taking two capsules of Steel Bite Pro daily, you can purportedly get help with gum disease, rotting teeth, tooth decay, bleeding gums, and other serious dental health problems.

To achieve those benefits, Steel Bite uses ingredients like artichoke extract, milk thistle, and berberine, among others. Some studies have shown these ingredients have antioxidant effects when taken in high dosages. However, there’s little outright evidence that Steel Bite- Pro will significantly impact dental health in any way, but one thing is for sure that if you do not tackle the predatory bacteria hidden inside the mouth, teeth, and gums that they will start to take over and cause massive problems from the inside out.

The website for this formula is right when it points out that people really have “nothing to risk” when trying this formula. There is little reason for anyone to believe that any significant side effects are associated with the supplement in any major way. And with a 60 day “100% money-back” guarantee, the supplement’s cost is offset by your ability to return it the moment you no longer feel satisfied. We also recommend buying six bottles at one time, which brings the total cost per bottle down to a relatively cheap 49 dollars.

The ingredients in Steel Bite Pro are solidly backed by substantive scientific studies. We cannot guarantee that your teeth will magically become perfect after using Steel Bite- Pro, but we do believe that the supplement has helped hundreds of consumers– and might help hundreds more.

To learn more about Steel Bite- Pro and how it works, visit the online store at, where all purchases are backed by a 60-day refund policy.

Official Website:

Contact Details: Steel Bite Pro


Phone: 302-404-2568


This product review is published by Marketing By Kevin. Marketing By Kevin reviews is researched and formulated by a group of experienced natural health advocates with years of dedication and determination to find the highest quality health products and wellness programs available. It should be noted that any purchase derived from this resource is done at your own peril. It is recommended to consult with a qualified professional healthcare practitioner before making an order today if there are any additional questions or concerns. Any order finalized from this release’s links is subject to the entire terms and conditions of the official website’s offer. The researched information above does not take any direct or indirect responsibility for its accuracy.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission to Marketing By Kevin if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high-quality products. 


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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